Alina Lewis – Student Remediation Private Primary School


Alina Lewis - Business Coach

Working with Rawle Rollocks has been an evolutionary experience that provokes deep thought as he is always sure to present research-based, evidence-based approaches to problem-solving, growth and development. 

Now, in her role as a Business Coach, Alina Lewis has mentored numerous entrepreneurs and guided them through launching, revamping and even restarting their businesses. 

As an Educational Consultant, Alina has been a support to families with a myriad of needs. She cultivates family enrichment through student remediation and preparation for major Caribbean based examinations as well as higher-level academic programs.

Alina Lewis - VLC
Rawle Rollocks - VLC Training

Extraordinary Coaching Experience

“Never despise humble beginnings.” This mantra echoed by Rawle has never left her. Through coaching sessions as well as collaborations, his influence has encouraged Alina to embrace organic growth as her business ventures continue to stand the test of time, reaching target audiences and changing lives. 

Alina considers herself as privileged to have had Mr Rollocks as a mentor during the year 2010. Mentorship under Rawle Rollocks is an extraordinary experience.  Since then, Alina has expanded her entrepreneurial endeavours as supported by the sound foundation created with the input of Mr Rawle Rollocks. 

Over their 10-year interaction, Mr Rollocks continues to present himself as a professional support delivering coaching, mentorship and partnership with understanding for the human behind the entrepreneur.


Extraordinary Coaching Experience

“Never despise humble beginnings.” This mantra echoed by Rawle has never left her. Through coaching sessions as well as collaborations, his influence has encouraged Alina to embrace organic growth as her business ventures continue to stand the test of time, reaching target audiences and changing lives. 

Alina considers herself as privileged to have had Mr Rollocks as a mentor during the year 2010. Mentorship under Rawle Rollocks is an extraordinary experience.  Since then, Alina has expanded her entrepreneurial endeavours as supported by the sound foundation created with the input of Mr Rawle Rollocks. 

Over their 10-year interaction, Mr Rollocks continues to present himself as a professional support delivering coaching, mentorship and partnership with understanding for the human behind the entrepreneur.


Mentorship supported strategic direction

Without question, interactions with Mr Rollocks has helped Alina to strike a balance between personal and professional well-being. Sessions allowed her to  identify what the she wanted out of her entrepreneurial experience  and then build a roadmap to achieve it; a road map that included the details of specific issues and also see the big picture and help steer the business itself in new directions. 

 The understanding of intentionality and strategic direction has meant that Alina has grown from 1 registered business in 2010 to 4 thriving businesses today. 

 Alina is proud to collaborate with her esteemed colleague on various projects – and of course retaining him for strategic input for her own entrepreneurial endeavours.

VLC Client Story - Tutoring

Acceleration and Expansion

The year of one-to-one coaching with Mr Rollocks provided exposure and guidance in the areas of accounting, administration, marketing, sales, customer service, networking, as well as financial planning. I was privileged to have Mr Rollocks as a mentor during the year 2010. 

Collaboration with Rawle Rollocks continues to be an extraordinary experience.


Acceleration and Expansion

The year of one-to-one coaching with Mr Rollocks provided exposure and guidance in the areas of accounting, administration, marketing, sales, customer service, networking, as well as financial planning. I was privileged to have Mr Rollocks as a mentor during the year 2010. 

Collaboration with Rawle Rollocks continues to be an extraordinary experience.

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